Airavata Cambodia

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You contemplate a visit to Cambodia but you want to stay off the beaten track ? Welcome to Terres Rouges Lodge. After long excursions, you will be able to dive in our pool, wander in our landscaped garden or rest in rooms that are superbly decorated. You will also find it pleasant to have a drink in our bar (“the best bar in the middle of nowhere” according to Time) and to dine in our restaurant or get to know the three elephants our our partner : AIRAVATA Project. But before you decide to come and discover our province and our staff, please take a look at our website.
A resort on a Mekong Island in the heart of rural Cambodia. For people traveling through North East Cambodia, all roads going to Laos, Vietnam, Ratanakiri and Mondolkiri converge in Kratie, a small town on the banks of the Mekong River. Known mostly for the fresh water dolphins that dwell North of town, Kratie doesn’t usually keep its visitors for more than one night. A few hundred meters away from the town of Kratie, in the middle of the mighty Mekong River, there is another Cambodia, a Cambodia still mostly spared by the modern world.Our other ventures

Airavata Khmer Elephant Foundation The Airavata project was born of the need to protect the very last elephants of Ratanakiri province at a time when these magnificent animals might disappear not only from Ratanakiri but from Cambodia. In the old days, each Ratanakiri tribe would own a few elephants but, time passing, the province started loosing its pachyderms. An exceptional heritage was on the verge of disappearance, elephants but also all the knowledge passed on from generation to generation by families of mahouts. We are therefore proud and happy to introduce you to the very last elephants of the province in their natural environment, the protected forest of Okatieng. A Conservation Project that is both cultural, ecological and social, AÏRAVATA allows a real interaction with elephants and teaches the public to know them, to take care of them and to ride them themselves.